What is Corporate Website and Landing Page?

Published on
February 23, 2024
Digital Marketing
min read
What is Corporate Website and Landing Page?
Understand the difference between corporate websites and landing pages and how they can work together to benefit your business. Book a free call.

Having a corporate website or landing page makes your business look professional and more trustworthy to potential customers. A good landing page or business website can help you increase sales by engaging with customers better and generating leads.

landing page vs website

Landing Pages VS Websites

Corporate websites provide essential information about the company, its products or services, staff members, and contact details. It aims to inform the brand's audience about the company. Yet, to increase sales, a corporate/business website may include several landing pages to help increase conversions.

A landing page is a single web page published on the internet designed for a specific purpose, such as getting people to sign up for something, download, or buy something. Landing pages are designed for marketing and advertising purposes. Landing pages are the primary source of leads for any company.

Websites for businesses and landing pages need to look good so people will pay attention while browsing them. They should provide product or service details and buttons for visitors to click if they want to take action (buy your products or services, learn more about your business, or leave the feedback).

create landing pages

Corporate websites and landing pages are similar in some ways, like how they look and what they talk about. But there are also different things about them. For example, corporate websites have a lot of information about the company, like what they sell and how to reach them. Landing pages usually focus on marketing one thing to a specific audience.

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business websites

Corporate websites have a lot of information about a company while landing pages are designed to reach a specific goal, like getting leads or giving out downloads.

In addition to their distinct functions, there are significant disparities in appearance, content, and conversion rates. To make an effective digital marketing strategy, you need to know how these things are similar and different.

Different Purposes For Business Landing Page VS Home Page

Home Page Purpose

The company website homepage is the first page of a business website. It is like an introduction to the website. It shows your company's values, products, and services.

The homepage is also supposed to make a "first impression." This implies that it should be engaging, simple to comprehend, quick-loading, and compel visitors to explore more.

When designing a company's site, it must be accessible to individuals who know nothing about the organization. This is hard to do, but it is essential. The homepage needs buttons and links so people can explore the website deeper.

That means the home page is appropriate for people looking around the homepage but not so much for marketing & lead generation.

Usually, a business website will include multiple sections like an about page, a contact us page, a blog page, and products and services pages. Websites usually have separate pages for different features.

specialized pages

When it comes to marketing, exploration can be a distraction. Your campaign's focus is watered down with competing messages and links. This makes it more likely that people will click on something else instead of what you want them to click. For instance, if a user clicks on an ad for 15% off dog bowties and is redirected to the homepage, they are likelier to click on another ad rather than purchase the bowties.

Homepages are great for what they do, which is to provide general information and encourage visitors to explore. As the primary entry point to a website, the homepage introduces the company's brand, product, services, values, who and what it's for, who to contact, etc.

stand alone website

Homepages cannot do everything. They are only supposed to give people information and tell them where to go next. Landing pages are what turn people into customers or conversions.

Request your free digital marketing review if you need assistance with optimizing your home page for better search engine rankings, loading speed, revamping the design, or improving the user experience on the page.

There are several key differences between landing pages and home pages.

Here are 4 of the most common differences between a homepage and a landing page:

  1. Landing pages have no navigation — Homepages do.
  2. Landing page traffic comes from ads — Homepage traffic comes from many sources.
  3. Landing pages are separate from a business' website — Homepages are the front page of a business' website.
  4. Landing pages have a single goal — Homepages promote website browsing.

Landing Page Purpose

Landing pages are created to achieve a specific goal, like getting people's contact information (email addresses, phone numbers), advertising a product or service, providing downloads or sign-ups, or free trial. Less design and content are needed for these pages, making them quicker to create.

A landing page is a single web page a person reaches after clicking on an email, advertisement, search result listing, or other digital address. Every content strategy should include landing pages to convert traffic and increase conversions.

single page website

When do you need a landing page? You need a landing page when you're trying to achieve a focused goal and if you're running paid ad campaigns. Landing pages are nearly always best for generating leads and closing sales because they have a clear CTA and provide the next steps for prospective customers.

When consumers visit your landing page, they are encouraged to take action, such as subscribing to your mailing list or purchasing your products. If the user takes a specific desired action, your landing page has succeeded in inducing them to convert.

Typically, landing pages urge a single action, such as completing a custom registration form.

Landing pages are built to drive traffic for a specific marketing campaign goal.

The intent is to focus the visitor solely on the page's purpose, such as the sign-up process. No distractions. No other options. Inform and get the user to take the single action noted.

Let's go back to the dog booties example. As we said earlier - too much choice can overwhelm users, causing them to stop and take no action. This is why focusing on one call to action (CTA) rather than three or four is essential.

landing page's job

When you design your landing page, ensure it is easy to understand. People should be able to see what you are selling and why they want to buy it. Test your landing page with other people to make sure it works well.

High-converting landing pages require attention to many small but essential parts. Fill out the form and request your free digital marketing overview to improve your landing page conversion rates.

Differences in Key Elements for Web page VS Landing Page

How corporate websites and landing pages look, how people use them, and what is on them can be very different.

Corporate websites typically contain a wealth of information about the company.

Corporate website design elements are navigation bars, search boxes, blog & archive, footer menus, and contact information. In terms of user experience, the website should be easy to use and navigate so that visitors can find what they are looking for. Corporate websites usually have content like "about us" and product or service pages with brief descriptions and contact details.

A landing page has fewer design elements focused on one thing. The goal is to get people to do something quickly.

Landing pages are designed to be eye-catching with colors and clear fonts. They have call-to-actions for users to convert in almost every part of the page. This allows visitors to take a specific action, like buying something. Landing pages usually have information divided into smaller paragraphs, so people can quickly understand what they need to do.

Contact us if you want to improve the performance of your company's website and landing pages.

Pros & Cons of Using a Corporate Website Compared To a Landing Page

Corporate websites have more information and branding than landing pages, but they don't need to be as good at converting people into customers. Landing pages are usually just used to try to get people interested in an offer quickly.

Below, we'll examine some pros and cons of using corporate websites versus landing pages.

Benefits of a corporate website compared to a landing page include:

  • Providing an abundance of information relevant to your products, services, and company
  • Allowing customers to navigate freely and easily find what they're looking for
  • Establishing trust with web visitors thanks to branding information, contact details, etc.
  • Getting 1st positions in search engines like Google with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and blog & Content Marketing, so people could easily find your company online
entire website

Examples of providing plenty of information relevant to your products, services, and company include:

  • It showcases product or service features, specifications, and pricing (sales pages). (When trying to convince someone online, it is essential to show people what the product is, what it does, and how much it costs. This will help them understand why they should buy it from you.)
  • You are displaying customer reviews, feedback, and success stories. (One way to show that people like your product is to give customer reviews, feedback, and success stories. This will show potential customers that others have had good experiences with your product.)
  • It offers support documents such as user guides, FAQs, and tutorials. (If you have questions about how to use something, it is helpful if the company that made it offers support documents. These can include user guides, frequently asked questions, and tutorials.)

Examples of allowing customers to navigate freely and easily find what they're looking for are:

  • Integrated search boxes. (Integrated search boxes allow you to search for something on more than one website simultaneously.)
  • Straightforward menu navigation with intuitive categories. (Make sure the menu navigation is easy to understand with logical categories.)
  • Sitemaps for detailed hierarchical structure. (Sitemaps help you see the different levels of your website. They can be helpful when trying to find specific information on a website.)

Establishing trust with web visitors thanks to branding information, contact details, etc., can be done in a few ways, such as:

  • Providing a physical address and contact details on the website allows customers to reach out quickly. (It is essential to provide a physical address and contact details on the website so customers can quickly get in touch with you.)
  • Utilizing social media links so customers can ensure the honesty of the business profile before trusting any content promoted by it. (It is essential to use social media links to make sure that the business profile is accurate before charging anything that is promoted by it.)
  • Displaying logos from any industry certification or awards that a business has achieved. (Displaying logos from any accolades or certifications a firm has received is an excellent way to show potential customers that the company is reputable and trustworthy.)

The nuances of a corporate website compared to a landing page include:

  • Website content can overwhelm users and decrease engagement
  • Too much navigation for customers to explore can lead them away from their purpose
  • More expensive than setting up a landing page due to the complexity involved in development.
  • Not lead generation focused.
great landing page

Examples of website content that can overwhelm users and decrease engagement include:

  • Long-form textual content without breaks or visual elements to help customers skim through the information. (This type of text is difficult to read because it is very long, and there are no pictures or other visual elements to help you understand it.)
  • Pages with too many images, videos, and interactive features produce a lot of noise. (Interactive elements can be overwhelming and make it difficult to focus on the content.)
  • Pop-ups and other intrusive elements can be annoying.

Too much navigation for customers to explore can lead them away from their purpose; examples of this include:

  • Navigational menus that have more than seven options can be hard to understand all at once.
  • Links that are not easy to see or that are in small print.
  • There are too many options in the navigation structure.

More expensive than setting up a landing page because it is more complex and takes more time to develop:

  • You might need to hire a developer or web designer to help with specific tasks, like setting up payments and ensuring the website works well on different devices.
  • It creates a website that looks different depending on whether people visit it on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer.
  • You are creating content experiences using programming languages like HTML5 and JavaScript.
specifically designed business pages

Suppose you want your company's website to rank at the top of Google and accurately represent your company's products and brand values to your target audience. In that case, your nephew's skills are insufficient.

If you want to get your business a digital marketing lead generation machine, contact us, or request your free digital marketing review now.

Study Results

Analyzing the results of a website or landing page is an essential step in understanding how to improve engagement and conversions.

Analyzing metrics such as conversion rate, bounce rate, and average session duration can provide valuable insights into how visitors interact with your site.

User feedback surveys will help you understand what people think about your website or landing page. You can determine what works and what does not by looking at the survey results.

key difference landing page vs website

Measure Success With Different Metrics

Measuring website and landing page success can be done through the use of metrics such as:

  • conversion rate
  • bounce rate
  • average session duration.
creating landing pages

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the proportion of site visitors who complete the desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase, divided by the total number of site visitors.

Examples of conversion rate metrics include completing online purchases, newsletter sign-ups, and form submission completions.

conversion rate detailed instructions

Bounce Rate

A bounce rate is a number that shows how many people left the website after only looking at one page. This means that they were not interested in exploring the website any further.

Bounce rates can be determined by counting the number of visitors who only view one page before leaving a website.

bounce rate banner ads

Average Session duration

The average session duration is how long users looked at each page before leaving.

Average session duration metrics measure how long visitors spend exploring pages such as product listings or blog articles.

web pages average session

All three metrics are helpful ways to figure out how people use your website or landing page. They give you information about how people engage with your website and will help you figure out how to make your website or landing page work best for you (bringing high ROI to your business, conversion rate, and lead generation).

Identify Areas Of Improvement Through A/B Testing  

A/B testing is a great way to identify areas that need improvement on a website or landing page.

By creating two versions of your site or page, you can compare and contrast each performance to gain insights into what needs to be changed or optimized.

You can test different layouts, call-to-actions, and content pieces to see which conversions are most effective.

A/B testing enables rapid identification of problem areas and the development of improvements based on evidence rather than assumptions.

A/B testing can test the effectiveness of different page design elements, such as call-to-action buttons, headlines, and images.

The benefits of A/B testing are numerous:

  • It allows you to understand your customers' behavior better
  • Conversions for your website or landing page.
  • It will enable you to improve the overall user experience on your website or landing page.
  • This allows you to enhance your website's ranking in search engines by seeing how different keywords affect it.
different pages

Understand Customer Needs Through Heatmaps, Surveys, etc.  

Heatmaps enable you to watch user activities on web pages and discover hotspots to optimize the user experience and better match consumer needs.

Additionally, surveys are an excellent tool for understanding customer needs as they provide direct feedback from customers about what features or content they want from your website or landing page.

Some examples of heatmaps usage for understanding customer needs include tracking clicks on a webpage or landing page to identify popular content and navigation paths. This helps you identify where users often go and how they interact with the page, so you can make design changes or add content that resonates more with your audience.

This feedback can be used to create more targeted content or design elements that will resonate with your target audience.

great landing

Analyzing data from analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Hotjar can also help you gain insight into user behavior and identify opportunities for improvement.

So What Is The Difference Between Corporate Websites & Landing Pages?

Corporate websites and landing pages are both powerful tools that can be used to engage customers and generate leads. However, they differ in design, content, and functionality.

Corporate websites help you get new target visitors via thoroughly crafted and optimized content published on search engines. This website overviews a company's products, services, and brand.

Landing pages serve the purpose of a single action to convert visitors into leads. They contain information only about a single product/service/offer and move visitors to take conversion action.

By knowing the difference between them, your company can use each to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of digital marketing by making content that appeals to their target audience, analyzing how users behave, and making custom designs that improve search engine rankings and lead generation.

Whether you need a corporate website or landing page, contact us, and don't forget to get your free digital marketing review if you already have a website.

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